Ages, Grades and Weights

1. All players must meet the grade/age/weight limits in order to certify. Any player not certifying after the third game of season will be dismissed from the team.

 2. It is up to each individual association if they are going to allow first graders or six (6) year old's to participate.

 3. Minimum age to play is 7 years old as of August 1st and maximum age is 14 as of August 1st of the current season.

AgeGradeJr Pee WeePee WeeJr MidgetMidget
72nd GradeUp to 110---
83rd GradeUp to 110---
94th GradeUp to 110Up to 130--
105th Grade**Up to 65Up to 130Up to 150-
116th Grade Up to 130Up to 150Up to 175
127th Grade-**Up to 75Up to 150Up to 175
138th Grade--**Up to 95Up to 175
148th Grade---Up to 175


No exceptions are allotted to any organization. Any exceptions would be on a case by case basis and need to be reviewed at the Presidents meeting. Any exceptions to be considered must have an application submitted prior to the above meetings with the vote to take place in person only.


Weight limit for male and female players are listed above. The players grade is their grade as of the Fall semester/trimester/quarter of the current year and

**Jr Pee Wee Flyweights are limited to a maximum of three (3) at 65 lbs and must be a first year player.

**Pee wee Flyweights are limited to a maximum of three (3) at 75 lbs.

**Jr Midget Flyweights are limited to a maximum of three (3) at 95 lbs.

**Midget level has no flyweights 1.

1. There is no required minimum weight for any player.


X-Man Ages & Weights

The weight shown is the maximum weight allowed.

Jr. Pee Wee110110110110     No Limit
Pee Wee   130130130   No Limit
Jr. Midget  --150150150  No Limit
Midget  -- 175175175175No Limit

1. X-Man players shall be limited to a maximum of eight (8) players per team.

2. Defensive X-Man players are limited to the line of scrimmage to outside shade of the offensive tackle positions. Note: Only a maximum of 4 X-Men can be on the field of play at any given time. X-men lining up incorrectly will be warned first. First infraction is a team warning than failure to comply with the X-Men rule will result in loss of down and 15-yard penalty. Penalty is enforced from original line of scrimmage. Example: May be tackle, guard or center. May NOT be a tight end.

3. X-Man players must play from a 3-point or 4-point stance. Only offensive players and players on kick return have the option to play from a 2-point stance.

4. X-Man players may not advance the ball, except a fumble, interception or on sidekick.

5. X-Man players may not be on kick-off team. X-men players may be on kick-off return team, however must line up between 10 and 12 yards from the spot of kick. On kick-off, X-men players may only be the kicker.

6. At no time can the X-man advance the ball during the PAT procedure making the player into a running back or quarterback. Advancement is defined as no more than 3 steps or what the officials consider advancement.

7. X-man is not allowed rugby style kicking during punting opportunities.

8. X-Man players must wear a jersey numbered in the range of 90-99.

9. X-Men cannot line up further then the outside shade of the offensive tackle.

10. Any player wearing 90-99 will be deemed an X-Man for rules interpretation.

11. Any Players wearing 90-99 is NOT an eligible receiver or back.